IgnitionDeck is a WordPress Crowdfunding plugin that hundreds of companies use to operate their own crowdfunding platforms. Our WP Crowdfunding plugin has premium upgrade options allow you to integrate with multiple gateways, split fees with your project creators, white label everything, and much more.
Go ahead and play around with it yourself using 👉our live demo👈 that includes full access to the WordPress Administrator back-end.
IgnitionDeck also includes the free Fivehundred Crowdfunding Theme for WordPress, and the hugely popular 500 child themes, which makes building your own crowdfunding site super simple.
Do you already have a theme that you’re happy with? No worries! IgntiionDeck works with almost every WordPress theme right out of the box. There’s no code to write, and no theme editing required.
See how our customers have used IgntionDeck to build their businesses
Here’s a look at the features included with IgnitionDeck:
Create Projects. Track Progress in Real-Time!
Create projects and track their progress in real-time! IgnitionDeck provides the greatest flexibility for project creators and administrators.
Secure Payments with Stripe & PayPal
Capture funds using multiple payment gateways including Stripe Checkout with Strong Customer Authentication. Securing payments has never been easier!
Flexible Project Funding and Fee Modification Options
Split payments, allow supporters to cover fees, accept donations at the checkout. Choose when you capture payments: now or later. You choose!
Own Your Data and Your Platform
Export data for reconciling payments and creating shipping labels. IgnitionDeck provides total freedom with what you do with your Crowdfunding data!
Built-in CRM
Manage donor information easily with IgnitionDeck’s built-in CRM capabilities. Store transaction history and vital customer information on-site. Save money on 3rd party tools!
Address on Checkout
Collect shipping addresses during checkout. Addresses are automatically saved to the users’ CRM account for future use.
Customize Transactional Emails & Receipts
Make your emails matter and personalize them. You have full control over the messaging and look and feel of your branding.
Front-end Project Creation
Allow project creators to easily submit new campaigns through your website’s frontend. No need to expose the WordPress
Mailchimp Integration
Integrate your projects with the world’s most loved email marketing tool, MailChimp. Enter your API key and start collecting your project supporters’ emails.
Fee Modifications
Charge custom fees on a per-project basis, enable checkout donations and allow project supporters to cover creator fees.
All the Flexibility You Need for Your Projects All in One Crowdfunding Platform
- Manage Digital Downloads
- Allow Project Funding Upgrades
- Project Submission Privileges
- WooCommerce Integration
- Share-a-Sale Integration
- Social Network Configuration
- Mixpanel Integration
- Project Stretch Goals Capabilities
- FAQ + Update Capabilities
- Anonymous Checkout
- Google E-Commerce Integration
- AffiliateWP Integration
- Block-Editor/Gutenberg Ready Blocks
- SecuPay Gateway Integration
- Square Gateway Integration
- Profile Donations
- PAYTM Gateway Integration
- WooCommerce integration
- Includes all IgnitionDeck themes
- Adds additional gateways, including Stripe, Authorize.net, First Data, Square, Paytm, Secupay, Offline Checkout, and more
- Enables pre-orders and 100% funding options
- Recurring payments (daily, weekly, monthly, annually)
- Adds support for renewals, automatic checkout page creation, subscriptions, expiring accounts, and free products
- Additional custom email templates and transactional email integrations with SendGrid and Mandrill
- Enables virtual currency, pay with credits, and instant checkout
- Deliver products via Amazon S3
- Integrates with Mailchimp and automatically adds new users after purchase
- Export data by product or project
- Additional checkout options, including guest checkout and terms and conditions on checkout
- Automatically disable the WordPress toolbar
- Assign products on registration automatically
- Automatic HTTPS on purchase pages
- Upgrade pathways allow you to build your own upgrade funnels
- Send emails to users by membership level segments
- Learn more about IgnitionDeck Echelon
- Front-End Submission for user-generated projects
- Front-end account management, creator profiles, backer profiles, and payment profiles
- Charge platform fees via Stripe Connect
- Multisite Support
- Additional email templates included project submission confirmation, project publication, and project updates
- Batch process pre-authorizations
- Includes all IgnitionDeck themes
- Includes all extensions for free
- White labeled crowdfunding and fundraising capability
- Learn more about IgnitionDeck Enterprise
For new users, we suggest reviewing our Getting Started Guide to get an understanding of how our plugin works. If you run into any trouble, we offer free email support to help you with your issues, questions, and concerns.
If you are an IgnitionDeck customer with an active license of IgnitionDeck, we’d love to hear from you and support you via our Premium Product Support.
Howdy, folks! IgnitionDeck is part of Ignition WP. Our crowdfunding plugin is backed by a growing team of WordPress developers, support engineers, and marketing pros who’ve worked with WordPress since 2009. This means IgnitionDeck is made with WordPress best practices in mind. That means IgnitionDeck is extremely extensible, customizable, stable, and reliable. We’re here for you when you need us. We’re a remote team, based in California, Texas, and Canada.
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অৱদানকাৰী আৰু বিকাশকাৰীসকল
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অৱদানকাৰীসকলআপোনাৰ ভাষাত “IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding Platform” অনুবাদ কৰক।
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- Removed some whitespace from the bottom of a couple of PHP files.
- Initial release of brand new refactoring of the plugin menu system, no functional changes to be concerned about, just a much easier interface for your operation. Here’s a (cheat sheet)[https://docs.ignitiondeck.com/article/183-plugin-reorganization-guide] for things that have moved. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at support@ignitionwp.com, we’d love to help you out!
- Added support for new subscription option, drop us a line at support@ignitionwp.com if you’d like to learn more!
- Added support for new subscription options
- Improved security of nonce verification in a couple places
- Fixed an issue when receipt settings where not always being saved correctly
- Added more capability checks for security purposes.
- Resolved all plugin compliance issues reported by Wordfence and the Plugin Check (PCP) plugin.
- Added capability checks to various functions called via AJAX actions
- Added missing nonce verifications
- Updated missing/incorrect translation strings
- Updated tested to header
- Updated short description to meet WP parameter
- Fixed undefined current version
- Enhanced text description of our plugin
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Improved inline documentation by adding function headers
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Happy holidays everyone, let’s make 2024 a good one!
- Minor bug fixes and content changes to the wizard steps
- Updated version numbers for dependency plugins
- Updated minimum version numbers for dependency plugins
- Bug fixes and QoL enhancements for the setup wizard
- Bug fixes for issues caused by intermittent internet connections
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Bug fix for auto-updater
- QoL improvements for first-time users
- Bug fixes for Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated version numbers for dependencies.
- Updated reCAPTCHA to support the latest version.
- Updated version numbers for dependencies.
- Relaxed the requirement to use specific themes without a license.
- Updated version numbers for dependencies.
- Some bug fixes and cosmetic improvements to the dashboard, thank you for the feedback everyone!
- New dashboard!
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Tested for 6.1.1
- Fixed bug that was causing the PWYW field to no longer accept 0
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Fixed bug when activating plugin on a WooCommerce site
- Tested up to 6.1
- More PHP 8 fixes
- Removed hotlinking to external image files
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Refactored the uninstall process
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Verified compatibility with WP 6.0.2
- PHP 8 compatibility fixes
- jQuery handler fixing for WP 5.5+
- Verified compatibility with WP 6.0.1
- Bug fix for email verification form
- Removed deprecated option for email verification
- Updated minimum version numbers for dependencies
- Tested for WP 6 and bumped version number accordingly
- Updated readme links
- Replaced wp_localize_script with wp_add_inline_script for PHP 8 compatibility
- Updated minimum version numbers for dependencies
- Updated readme
- Tested up to 5.9.3
- Updated version numbers for dependencies
- Added support for Uganda Shilling currency
- Fixed wp_cron glitch
- Fixed visual problem on dashboard caused by WP 5.9 banner with those big balloons
- Updated dependency version numbers
- Tested for WP 5.9
- Added convenience link for license renewal
- Updated IDCF version number in TGMPA dependency settings
- Added new licensing logic
- Added SSL for external dependency download links
- Update dependency to IDCF 1.7.11 to fix a new project saving bug with the default WP editor.
- Hotfix for edge case where fivehundred theme has not been installed
- Refactored dependency acquisition methodology
- Tested up to 1.10.7 of IDC
- Tested up to 5.8.1 of WP
- Fixed a glitch where shortcodes were displaying incorrectly
- Tested up to 1.10.6 of IDC
- Tested up to 1.7.10 of IDCF
- Tested up to 5.8 of WP
- wp_localize_script replaced with wp_add_inline_script
- Tested up to 1.10.5 of IDC
- Tested up to 1.7.9 of IDCF
- Tested up to 1.10.4 of IDC, fixing glitch with product assignments
- Tested up to 1.10.3 of IDC. Now supporting Stripe Connect via Stripe Checkout for complete SCA compliance.
- Language file update and version bump
- Updates for dependencies
- Language file udpates and version bump
- Hotfix for some more jQuery issues with WP 5.7.1
- Updates in dependencies for compatibility with WP core changes to jQuery
- Compatibility testing with WP 5.7.1
- Language file updates and version bump
- Some fixes for rare connectivity issues with curl commands
- Replace some transients with options for compatibility with wordpress.com caching plugins
- Update IDF version, language file updates
- Update to IDC 1.10.1
- Includes a Stripe Checkout IgnitionDeck module with SCA compatibility for our client with European users
- Update IDF version, language file updates
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Update IDF version
- Update IDC and IDCF versions to 1.9.46 and 1.7.8 respectively
- Update language files
- Fixed license checking issue with www subdomain
- Update IDF version
- Update IDC version to 1.9.45
- Update language files
- Tested up to 5.5.1
- Update IDF version
- Update IDC and IDCF default versions
- The problem caused by WP’s removal of the global JavaScript objects in 5.5 has been fixed in this version, so we are ready for when it is reinstated in 5.7 (March 2021)
- Tested up to 5.4.2 (5.5 coming soon)
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Test compatibility with WordPress 5.4.1
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Update IDF version
- Update language files
- Update IDC minimum version default
- Code formatting updates
- Update for WordPress 5.4 support
- Update language files
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.4 support
- Update language files
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.3.2 support
- Update language files
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.3.1 support
- Update language files
- Update IDCF version
- Update language files
- Update file formatting
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.3 support
- Update language files
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.2 support
- Update language files
- Update IDCF version
- Update support links on plugin homepage
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.1 support
- Update Ignition Deck Dashboard widget support information
- Update contributor inormation
- Update IDCF version
- Update for WordPress 5.0 support
- Fix issue causing error by using deprecated get_checkout_url WC function
- Update IDCF version number
- Run idf_set_roles on user_registration hook in order to prevent need to refresh prior to seeing Enterprise menus
- Set default idfPriceFormat to 0.00 when empty
- Update IDC version
- Add additional license verification option that uses IgnitionDeck login email, which bypasses license keys for a much smoother experience
- Fix issue preventing WooCommerce selection without IgnitionDeck Commerce present
- Default to 0.00 when using idfParseFloat on an empty value
- Minor CSS updates to IgnitionDeck Dashboard menu
- Update IDC/IDCF versions
- Cleanup main dashboard menu, improve instructions, and design
- Disable modules when not activated
- Trigger query var after activation
- Fix level select dropdown height
- Round idfParseFloat to 2 decimals
- Remove enqueue call for stock browser js
- Improve user project count efficiency by using extra conditionals
- Fix issue with disabled login button when reCAPTCHA is enabled without a Site ID
- Update IDCF license input text
- Update banner/logo assets
- Supplement license validation requests with ID account data in order to prepare migration away from license keys
- Fix module activation/deactivation link
- Fix issue with disabled button on lost password screen when recaptcha is enabled
- Module menu now displays locked modules and links to pricing screen to inform how they can become unlocked
- New category filter for modules
- New filter to hide locked modules
- Pass more arguments through module object, such as status and requires
- Remove Helix update notices from menu and submenu
- Add support for form-input third, fourth, sixth, and eighth
- Remove checks for expired license since we now require an active license in order to maintain functionality
- Extend get_module_list to filter, given args of key and value
- Minify js and CSS
- Update IDCF and IDC versions
- Remove filters/hooks for removing legacy IDCF menus, which have been removed from IDCF all together
- New function idf_is_id_theme(), which helps fix bug when child theme author !== IgnitionDeck
- New idf_sanitize_array function
- Update IDC version
- Fix Helix login form labels and design
- New js functions idfParseFloat and idfFormatPrice
- idf_has_gutenberg checks for gutenberg
- Update IDCF version to 1.6.8
- New reCAPTCHA module that integrates with Helix, IgnitionDeck Commerce, and standard WordPress forms
- New function idf_active_widgets which returns option sidebars_widgets
- Include idf-functions.js file that was missing in last release
- Import validate email function idfValidateEmail()
- Localize idf_current_url()
- Minor updates to getting started instructions in order to simplify next steps
- Update IDC/IDCF versions
- Add support for custom-modules directory
- Add support for WordPress 4.9
- Update latest IDC/IDCF version numbers
- Add additional date formats to idf_datepicker_format() js
- New PHP/Javascript functions for retrieving and returning date format. Includes localized variable, which is helpful for front-end js and datepicker fields
- Create custom dashicon font for IgnitionDeck icons
- Prepare IDF scripts so they can be enqueued directly outside of the plugin
- Add support for WooCommerce checkout URL selection when WC is set as commerce platform
- Update Helix logo URL
- Ensure we check for IDC prior to using its functionality
- Minor Helix styling improvements, including disabling of auto-popout on mobile
- Remove need to cache list of caches, which significantly improves page load
- Restore texdomain load function and update language files
- Main menu content update
- Deprecate IDF registration api v1
- Implement dev tools menu for support agents
- Set proper version numbers of current IDC and IDCF
- Disable activation button if server does not meet minimum PHP requirements
- New IDF_Requirements class for managing software requirements
- Define and update Helix logo URL
- Hide Helix from print media
- Multiple CSS improvements for Helix module
- Fix issue with non-functioning meta dropdowns when adding/editing IDCF projects
- Forward support for removal of IDCF menu page
- Add callback function for closing of generic lightbox
- New idf_current_url() function grabs currently loaded URL
- Link to Helix docs
- New banners & minor text changes
- Add Helix support for non-IDE users
- The Helix module is now live
- Add trigger to openLBGlobal function to assist fixing pwyw issues with idc_button shortcode/lightbox
- Update Font Awesome to 4.7
- Update delivery URLs to https version, which fixes multiple issues related to automatic plugin download and installation
- Fix issue related to hard coded wp-content directory
- Update IDC and IDCF in the background via wp_cron
- Add inputID to attachment data on idfMediaSelected trigger
- Import modules class from IDC in order to manage modules from this framework rather than IDC
- Add button to flush module cache
- Add idf_logged_in as localized var
- Remove deprecated idf_enable_checkout function, idf-lite.js, and related conditionals
- Add hook id_set_module_status and id_set_module_status_before on module activation/deactivation
- Import Helix files to prep for launch
- Update plugin delivery URLs to account for upgrade to https, which should fix multiple install issues
- Replace direct linking of wp-content dir via ABSPATH with WP_PLUGIN_DIR
- Add inputID to attachment data on idfMediaSelected trigger
- Add CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION to our cURL protocols in order to account for IgnitionDeck.com migration to https
- Fix issue causing some PHP installations to error out based on syntax in new IDF_Cache class files
- Fix issue resulting in media library being accessible by all users when adding or editing avatar
- New caching class allows us to easily cache any object as transient, and automatically delete them when plugin is uninstalled
- New actions fire when commerce platform is saved
- Fix issue with array_slice on extension list when array is empty
- Minor css updates and fixes
- Fix issue preventing registration from completing successfully
- Default to options for license handling when transients are cached and flushed via object caching
- Ensure WooCommerce only shows as commerce option when it is supported by a license
- Register idf-admin-media.js for front-end use
- Modify upload capability function and filter to prepare for avatar upload on IDC profile screen
- Fix issue preventing modules from deactivating or showing activated
- Remove .po/.mo files in favor of .pot file
- Add review and feedback mechanism in main menu
- Auto-redirect to plugin main menu on activation/update
- new banner/icon images
- A brand new IgnitionDeck that features a new (free) version of IgnitionDeck Commerce
- Deprecation of IgntiionDeck Legacy for new users
- Deprecation of the term “IgnitionDeck Framework”
- Remove automatic IDCF/IDC/FH updates on plugin update as that is now handled in the plugins menu
- Completely new plugin dashboard menu that exhibits the breadth of the IgnitionDeck plugin
- Make modules product aware so they are not visible when not available based on current license or installed product
- Fix error some users are having when updating
- Fix inconsistencies with update handler and free IDC
- Wrap ID_DEV_MODE in quotes to fix error on activation
- Import license handling from IDCF and IDC
- Rename languages folder to languages_default in order to prevent overwriting translation files
- New modules imported from IDC, add filters to hook into menu list
- Multiple text and link updates to module list to better handle plugins vs modules
- Fix PHP error caused when idcommerce is not installed
- Fix issue with unrecognized functions when using WP Multisite
- Fix issue with license validation text showing IgnitionDeck Basic instead of IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding
- Fix issue with legacy and WooCommerce lightbox not properly functioning
- Fix issue preventing saving of commerce platform on main menu
- Use https as default for license validation, with http as a backup
- Fix multiple language strings
- Rename extensions menu to modules menu
- Fix issues related to saving and validating of IDC and IDCF license keys
- Fix multiple issues with license validation, including use of https as default
- Rename extensions to modules
- Fix issue preventing selection of IDC as commerce platform
- Fix use of ID_DEV_MODE constant
- Automatically update IDCF on installation, force plugin check, and pester for IDC update (if installed)
- Port key handling from IDC and IDCF to IDF
- Import lightbox handling from Legacy IDCF
- Replace get_currentuserinfo() with wp_get_current_user()
- Additional functions for purpose of validating whether IDC and IDCF are installed
- Fix issue with super admin role checking in non-multisite mode
- Fix call to is_id_basic()
- Fix issue preventing some users from being able to upload images on FES
- Option to disconnect account on primary admin screen
- New idf_handle_video for parsing video html/URLs
- Fix some issues with activation/configuration links on themes page
- Only show platform choices of installed platforms
- Begin port for universal access keys
- Add www to curl request URLs to avoid connection issues breaking IDCF and 500 downloads on some hosts
- Enabling of lightbox in admin menus
- Update styling of submit buttons
- Create a general function for adding and implementing the WordPress media uploader on admin side
- Migrate Font Awesome from plugins and create a general integration for all plugins, extensions, and modules
- Fix issue causing basic user roles to be removed when using IDCF FES
- Fix some javascript bugs causing prices to be handled incorrectly
- Update getting started guide
- Fix issue preventing users without file_get_contents() capabilities from downloading IDCF and 500
- Fix issue preventing non-admin logged in users from viewing media galleries
- Fix issue with undeclared user variable that was breaking javascript chain when trying to manage user roles
- Update Launchpad registration schema
- New global functions for adding media via custom button, getting query string prefix, and getting client IP
- Properly enqueue scripts on login screen for ID Social support
- use maybe_userialize on dashboard settings when setting WP roles to solve offset error
- Security Fix: Remove nopriv option for theme/extension activation and require that user can manage_options
- Security Fix: Update our media button priveleges in order to ensure that users can only edit media when on a project they own, or when creating a new project
- New function for validating and returning linkable URLs: id_validate_url($url)
- Early prep for integration with iThemes Exchange
- Port idc order lightbox functionality to ID Social
- Fix header error caused by last update
- Fix bug preventing admins from viewing media
- Minor design updates on extensions and themes admin pages
- Add documentation button for extensions/themes on respective admin pages
- (IDE) Add new roles and capabilities for the purposes of editing media on the front-end submission form
- Fix issue preventing WC and EDD levels from linking to lightbox
- Add checks for SSL so that APIs can be used with or without SSL
- Port admin styling from IDC/IDCF into IDF
- New generic lightbox methods for cross-platform compatibility
- Optimize loading of IDF scripts
- Begin work on cross-platform social sharing template
- Extensions can now be activated via the extensions menu
- Disable buttons for installed extensions
- Update extension description CSS
- Add js for lite version so that adjustHeights is not undefined
- Add js function to resize text dynamically
- Disable lightbox submission if no levels are available
- Minor styling updates to lightbox
- Fix IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding download and activation script so that plugin can be automatically downloaded and activated
- Don’t hide project settings to prevent issue accessing project settings menu
- Add option to automatically update to latest version of IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding
- Load lightbox via admin_enqueue in the event IDCF is not licensed
- Create new localized admin variables for ajax URL and site URL for use with admin javascript
- Modify menu text
- Update registration page link
- Hide Legacy IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding menus when non-Legacy platforms are enabled
- Do not modify href attributes that do not exist, such as when levels are sold out or closed
- Add functionality and integrate with upcoming IgnitionDeck Commerce pledge what you want feature
- Only load functionality of IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding is enabled and registered
- Add data-href attribute to lightbox levels that can be accessed when necessary
- Remove lightbox support for Legacy PWYW functionality
- Fix bug causing “scalar value as array” error if platform not saved
- Update directory paths for new IgnitionDeck Crowdfunding structure and menu items
- Introduce textdomain for purpose of translation/s
- Update po/mo files
- Initial Release