Plugin Tag: bootstrap
Bootstrap collapse
(4টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Bootstrap Collapse plugin will let you use Twitter Bootstrap Collapse plugin on wordpress with help of Short codes [bc_group] and [bc_collapse]
Agnosia Bootstrap Carousel by AuSoft
(8টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)This plugin lets you use the [gallery] shortcode to show a Bootstrap Carousel.
WP Bootstrap Carousel
(8টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)A simple, straightforward implementation of the Twitter Bootstrap Carousel in WordPress.
BootstrapCDN – WordPress CDN Plugin
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)The official WordPress plugin of BootstrapCDN by MaxCDN.
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)This plugin use a simple shortcode to insert a link anywhere to open any page in a Bootstrap modal window.
WP Bootstrap Widgets
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)WP Bootstrap Widgets provides configurable widgets for common Twitter Bootstrap (version 3) components. If your theme is based on Bootstrap, these wid …
Shortcodes Bootstrap
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Shortcodes Bootstrap allow easy implementation of Wordpress shortcodes coming along with responsive and the twitter bootstrap.
PEBO Free Masonry with Hover effects
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)The PEBO Masonry is a ligth weigh widget based on Bootstrap grid system,
Bootstrap and Font Awesome by HocWP Team
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)The easiest way to load Twitter Bootstrap and Font Awesome on your WordPress site.
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Plugin adds 6 content zones and visual content-grid structure builder with 3 rows and 2 cols in each row for every page.
Gutenstrap Blocks
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Collection of Bootstrap 4 blocks and formats for Gutenberg WordPress editor.
Ajax Contact Form
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)An easy to use Ajax contact form function with inbuilt features to prevent contact form spam.
Tiny Bootstrap Elements Light
(3টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Tiny Bootstrap Elements Light Plugin adds Bootstrap Toolbar to tinyMce Rich Text Editor. Add/Edit any Bootstrap element to your posts/pages
Epic Bootstrap Buttons
(4টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)The Epic Bootstrap Buttons WordPress plugin allows you to add bootstrap buttons to any theme and use the awesome buttons easily.
ACF Flexible Columns
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Replace the regular single content editor with responsive multiple column editors.
Single Mailchimp
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Single Opt-In AJAX Mailchimp Newsletter form for Wordpress. You can switch between single opt-in and double opt-in. Use it as Widget or Shortcode.