Plugin Tag: markdown
(4টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)A Gutenberg compatible markdown editor. Write in Markdown, edit in Markdown and preview in HTML.
(8টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Typewriter replaces the Visual Editor with a simple Markdown editor for your posts and pages.
Recent Posts Markdown Generator
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Generate a Markdown List of links to your most recent WordPress Posts.
WP Help Docs
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Directly integrate markdown based help documentation for your WordPress theme or plugin into the WordPress admin for your end users and clients.
Markdown Display by Logic Hop
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Markdown Display by Logic Hop renders markdown as HTML using Parsedown, a Markdown processor written in PHP.
Mark It Down WordPress!
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Helping you write posts/pages in plain-text Markdown syntax, while switching-off Visual Editor. It sits on the shoulders of a giant, namely Jetpack.
Markdeep Block
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Markdeep Block is a WordPress plugin for adding Gutenberg blocks supporting Markdeep syntax.
Markdown Webhook
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Sync .md files to wp posts from webhook in /
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Import markdown and markdown-extra documents to Wordpress posts and pages, output as HTML, parse and save YAML front matter to post_meta, tags, and (o …
{eac}Doojigger Readme Extension for WordPress
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং){eac}Readme loads and translates a WordPress markdown 'readme.txt' file providing shortcodes to access header lines and section blocks.
Gitdown: Git Repository to WordPress Blog Posts
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Use Gitdown to Publish Markdown Posts from a repository to your WordPress Blog.