Plugin Tag: thumbnail slider
(3টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)A clean, simple, responsive and touch-friendly Carousel with no bells and whistles but plenty of flexibility.
Thumbnail Slider
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)This Plugin is used to display Custom Thumbnail Banner Image's slider in your page or posts. Display a awesome thumbnail slider in your wordpress …
CC Thumbnail Logo Slider
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)CC Thumbnail Logo Slider is a compatible responsive Jquery slider. Use the given shortcode to get the slider or the given php code anywhere on your te …
HAQ Tabed Slider
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Allows you to add fully customizable, responsive. This plugin creates an image slide in your theme. Build beautiful image slider, You can upload/delet …