Plugin Tag: voicemail
SpeakPipe – Voicemail for Websites
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Allows your customers, blog readers, podcast listeners and fans to send you voice messages right from a browser without any phone calls.
Easy Voice Mail
(4টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Provides a simpler, more efficient way for your client to contact you and express their needs via voice mail.
Click to call button
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Shows a Click to Call / Call Now Button to your visitors and turns your website into a phone with call recording, voicemail and SMS.
PodInbox – Accept Voice Messages on Your Website
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)PodInbox lets you easily accept audio messages on your website. With our plugin, your site visitors can record, preview, & send you voice messages.