

This plugin has been closed as of অক্টোবৰ 11, 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. কাৰণ: লিখোঁতাৰ অনুৰোধ।


ছেপ্টেম্বৰ 3, 2016 1টা প্ৰত্যুত্তৰ
this plugin is great! i made small mod to show sale in percent: <?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; class WooCommerce_Smart_Sale_Badge { private $dir; private $file; public function __construct( $file ) { $this->dir = dirname( $file ); $this->file = $file; // Handle localisation $this->load_plugin_textdomain(); add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'load_localisation' ), 0 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_sale_flash', array( &$this, 'badge_sale_amount' ), 10, 3 ); } public function badge_sale_amount( $message, $post, $product ) { $saving_amount = 0; if ( $product->has_child() ) { // Loop through children if this is a variable product foreach ( $product->get_children() as $child_id ) { $regular_price = get_post_meta( $child_id, '_regular_price', true ); $sale_price = get_post_meta( $child_id, '_sale_price', true ); if( $regular_price != '' && $sale_price != '' && $regular_price > $sale_price ) { $new_saving_amount = $regular_price – $sale_price; // Only display the largest saving amount if( $new_saving_amount > $saving_amount ) { $saving_amount = $new_saving_amount; } } } $button_text = apply_filters("wc_smart_sale_badge_title", __( 'Do', 'wc_smart_sale_badge' ), $product->has_child(), $product); } else { // Fetch prices for simple products $regular_price = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_regular_price', true ); $sale_price = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_sale_price', true ); if( $regular_price != '' && $sale_price != '' && $regular_price > $sale_price ) { $saving_amount = $regular_price – $sale_price; } $button_text = apply_filters("wc_smart_sale_badge_title", __( '', 'wc_smart_sale_badge' ), $product->has_child(), $product); } // Only modify badge if saving amount is larger than 0 if( $saving_amount > 0 ) { $saving_price = woocommerce_price( $saving_amount ); $percentage = round( ( ( $product->regular_price – $product->sale_price ) / $product->regular_price ) * 100 ); $saving_price_r = apply_filters("wc_smart_sale_badge_price", sprintf( __( ' %s!', 'wc_smart_sale_badge' ), $saving_price ), $saving_price, $product); $message = '<span class="onsale">' . $button_text .'-'. $percentage .'%'. '</span>'; } return $message; } public function load_localisation() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'wc_smart_sale_badge' , false , dirname( plugin_basename( $this->file ) ) . '/lang/' ); } public function load_plugin_textdomain() { $domain = 'wc_smart_sale_badge'; $locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale' , get_locale() , $domain ); load_textdomain( $domain , WP_LANG_DIR . '/' . $domain . '/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo' ); load_plugin_textdomain( $domain , FALSE , dirname( plugin_basename( $this->file ) ) . '/lang/' ); } }
আটাই 6টা পৰ্য্যালোচনা পঢ়ক

অৱদানকাৰী আৰু বিকাশকাৰীসকল

“WooCommerce Smart Sale Badge” হৈছে মুক্ত উৎসৰ ছফ্টৱেৰ। এইসকল লোকে এই প্লাগিনত অৱদান আগবঢ়াইছে।


আপোনাৰ ভাষাত “WooCommerce Smart Sale Badge” অনুবাদ কৰক।

বিকাশৰ প্ৰতি আগ্ৰহী?

ক’ড ব্ৰাউজ কৰক, SVN ৰিপজিটৰী চাওক নাইবা RSS-দ্বাৰা বিকাশৰ পঞ্জী ছাবস্ক্ৰাইব কৰক।