This plugin gives your visitors the possibility to report a comment as inappropriate. After a set threshold is reached the comment is put into moderation where the moderator can decide whether or not he want to approve the comment or not. If a comment is approved by a moderator it will not be auto-moderated again while still counting the amount of reports.
This plugin is a fork of safe-report-comments and has some features incorporated from crowd-control (a different fork).
This plugin is compatible with ClassicPress.
This plugin is also available in Codeberg.
Known issues
Automatic mode implementation currently does not work with threaded comments in the last level of threading. As the script attaches itself to the comment_reply which is not displayed once the maximum threading level is reached the abuse link is missing at this point. As a workaround set the threading level higher than the likely amount of threading depth.
- Download and unzip the plugin.
- Copy the zeno-report-comments directory into your plugins folder.
- Visit your Plugins page and activate the plugin.
- A new checkbox called “Allow comment flagging” will appear in the Settings->Discussion page.
- Activate the flag and set the threshold value which will appear on the same page after activation.
The plugin should work by default in most themes. If something does not work, please start a topic at the support forum.
সঘনাই উত্থাপিত প্ৰশ্ন
This plugin cannot account for all themes and their layouts. Sometimes an extra divider is needed between reply and Zeno’s text.
A solution can be to add a little CSS code.
.zeno-comments-report-link::before { content: " | "; }
অৱদানকাৰী আৰু বিকাশকাৰীসকল
“Zeno Report Comments” হৈছে মুক্ত উৎসৰ ছফ্টৱেৰ। এইসকল লোকে এই প্লাগিনত অৱদান আগবঢ়াইছে।
অৱদানকাৰীসকল“Zeno Report Comments” 1টা ভাষাত অনুবাদ কৰা হৈছে। অনুবাদকসকলক তেওঁলোকৰ অৱদানৰ বাবে ধন্যবাদ।
আপোনাৰ ভাষাত “Zeno Report Comments” অনুবাদ কৰক।
বিকাশৰ প্ৰতি আগ্ৰহী?
ক’ড ব্ৰাউজ কৰক, SVN ৰিপজিটৰী চাওক নাইবা RSS-দ্বাৰা বিকাশৰ পঞ্জী ছাবস্ক্ৰাইব কৰক।
- 2024-12-12
- Hide invisible elements for screenreaders.
- 2024-11-15
- Loading plugin translations should be delayed until init action.
- Use DIR instead of dirname(FILE).
- 2024-07-09
- Fix approving comments when moderation is enabled (thanks spaceshipone).
- 2024-04-02
- Make JavaScript more specific to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
- Only set comment to moderated when old status is unapproved and new status is approved.
- 2024-02-14
- Add column for responses to comment with link to edit screen.
- Add text ‘report’ to report column if there are reports.
- Add priority 90 and 91 to both columns.
- Add optional spambot protection for report button (thanks jmorti).
- When threading is disabled, use ‘comment_text’ filter and add reply link after wpautop.
- Show moderation note if already moderated.
- 2023-12-13
- Again fix for Twenty Twenty-Four theme, when threaded comments are off.
- 2023-12-06
- Add user info to notification emails (thanks niccrockett).
- Fix for Twenty Twenty-Four theme, it doesn’t use $in_comment_loop.
- 2023-12-01
- Add comment_text to notification emails (thanks jemar707).
- 2023-11-30
- Fix filter ‘zeno_report_comments_allow_moderated_to_be_reflagged’.
- Cast $comment_id to (int) at top of functions instead of below.
- 2023-11-30
- Rewite from class to simple hooks and functions.
- Remove support for admin notices, cast threshold to integer automatically.
- Add more notes and messages, plus filters.
- Make sure all admin screens have the same moderation results.
- Fix to not display for author of comment (thanks niccrockett).
- 2023-02-15
- Fix frontend filters for return messages (thanks 1theo).
- Escape more output.
- Some updates from phpcs and wpcs.
- Fix warning with handling of transient.
- 2022-01-23
- Make sure to sanitize custom headers.
- 2021-10-30
- Check WP Core blocklist for IP address.
- Some updates from phpcs and wpcs.
- 2021-03-25
- Add css class to ‘moderated’ text.
- Add function ‘already_moderated’.
- 2021-02-22
- Fix deprecated jQuery calls with WP 5.6 and jQuery 3.5.
- 2020-11-10
- Add filter ‘zeno_report_comments_admin_email’ for email reports.
- 2020-06-16
- Small update to regex to match with more themes.
- 2020-05-21
- Replace nasty ‘preg_match_all’ by simpler ‘preg_replace’ to support more themes.
- 2020-04-08
- Small fix in showing feedback for user that reported.
- 2020-04-08
- Rewrite regex for threaded comments.
- Show if a comment is already moderated, to avoid confusion (thanks @karkidennis).
- Use esc_html functions.
- Add uninstall.php file to uninstall options from db.
- 2019-04-24
- Add filter manage_edit-comments_sortable_columns so the column can be sorted (thanks wmeric).
- 2018-10-29
- Add reporter ip address to abuse report email.
- 2018-10-03
- Don’t use new function on wp-admin.
- 2018-10-03
- Return comment content on threaded comments.
- 2018-10-03
- Support link with unthreaded comments too.
- 2018-06-26
- Add example text to the privacy policy.
- 2018-06-11
- When moderating comment, set status to approve.
- Filter all frontend messages.
- 2017-05-22
- Don’t show flagging link if already moderated (really this time).
- Rewrite the html of the link.
- Ues wp_localize_script also for nonce.
- Add rel=”nofollow” to the link.
- Delete reports after moderating as allowed.
- Add link for moderators to moderate/allow comments and remove reports.
- Add Admin JavaScript.
- Add version to JavaScripts.
- 2016-07-31
- Forked from safe-report-comments.
- Support localization and translation.
- Make sure cookie_data is an array, as returned by json_decode.
- Make it not possible to report your own comments.
- Don’t show flagging link if already moderated.
- Load JavaScript in footer, not in head.
- Add function get_user_ip for proxies (props Thorsten Ott).
- Add Copyright notices.
- Add settings for mail and add function for wp_mail (props Postmatic).
- Add action for each report and add function for wp_mail.
- Remove unused action register_admin_panel in admin_menu.
- 2014-07-23
- Typo fix, props spencermorin.
- 2014-07-23
- Security fix, h/t vortfu.
- 2013-03-06
- New ‘safe_report_comments_allow_moderated_to_be_reflagged’ filter allows comments to be reflagged after being moderated.
- 2012-11-21
- Use home_url() for generating the ajaxurl on mapped domains, but admin_url() where the domain isn’t mapped.
- 2012-11-07
- Coding standards and cleanup.